Welcome to my search!

This blog is an experiment and experience in the world of my mind and soul. It is not literature and it is not perfect. It is rich and it is poor. It is playful and deep. It is who I am, it is my journey. Thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Let's go to the carnival.
Let's watch the acrobats fly, let's imagine they are us.
Let's fly freely, with no fear of falling.

A rose? Sure, I will take one. I will wear it in my hair.
I am a gypsy. I come with the wind, I leave when the flowers bloom.
You want to ride the carousel?
Be careful. The world is spinning, the colors bleed and blend.
What color are you?

Yes, the clowns are here too.
They make me laugh... a little. I just know they are sad.
I know, I should ask them to fly.

Today, the clowns are acrobats, the acrobats are elephants,
and we are endless.

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