Welcome to my search!

This blog is an experiment and experience in the world of my mind and soul. It is not literature and it is not perfect. It is rich and it is poor. It is playful and deep. It is who I am, it is my journey. Thank you for stopping by.

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Ready, Set, Go!

I want an award, a ribbon, a medal

Or maybe a statue, a fountain, a bench

What for? No reason, really. Although… 

My walls are blank and I am afraid of the white space. There, I said it.

So, give me something to put on my wall, or else, I will have to paint something

And what I am really afraid of is the colors

It’s better if I just get a medal. Then, we can keep talking about accomplishments not about fear

So, I will train to run a 5k

Then, I will get a medal.

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