Welcome to my search!

This blog is an experiment and experience in the world of my mind and soul. It is not literature and it is not perfect. It is rich and it is poor. It is playful and deep. It is who I am, it is my journey. Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


The world has let me down.

Or maybe it's revenge, or payback for the abuse it receives from me and everyone else. 

But can we just talk? A worldly conversation? 

I miss the talks we used to have: me in a forest, the world on the edge... 

It's been awhile. 

I am not who I used to be. 

The world isn't either.

Except we don't know who we are anymore. Or where we belong. 

I am on the edge of the forest, scared to go out. 

Out is the world and I don't know it. 

The world doesn't know me. The world is thin. I am not. 

I go back in the forest. 

The world does not follow and I am ok. For now. 

Tomorrow is another "on the edge" day. 

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