Welcome to my search!

This blog is an experiment and experience in the world of my mind and soul. It is not literature and it is not perfect. It is rich and it is poor. It is playful and deep. It is who I am, it is my journey. Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The choice

 Watching a drop of rain on my window

Rainbows form and float away

With life

and smiles and song.

Will they come back? Regrow in the next drop? Or the next? 

I don't seem to know the world outside the rain drop on my window.

I move my head and the drop looks larger

I lose the rainbows but I gain space.

And some of the smiles come back

And a melody. Quiet.

Rainbows or space? That one drop or another? Rain or sunshine?

The choice is mine. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Once upon a time, there was a flutter. A beating of wings, a soft touch, a full heart. 

Then, there was flight. Full of hope and love, determination and kindness, power, and above all, fearlessness. 

After that came rain. Sometimes warm and light, with the sunshine peaking through leaves. Most of the time, hard, heavy rain, with big, cold drops and angry sky. Thunderous. At times, a rainbow came. 

The days of anger were many. Too wet, too cold, too hungry, too scared. So angry. 

Then, came sleep. Restless sleep, full of darkness and again, fear. 

What's next? 



The world has let me down.

Or maybe it's revenge, or payback for the abuse it receives from me and everyone else. 

But can we just talk? A worldly conversation? 

I miss the talks we used to have: me in a forest, the world on the edge... 

It's been awhile. 

I am not who I used to be. 

The world isn't either.

Except we don't know who we are anymore. Or where we belong. 

I am on the edge of the forest, scared to go out. 

Out is the world and I don't know it. 

The world doesn't know me. The world is thin. I am not. 

I go back in the forest. 

The world does not follow and I am ok. For now. 

Tomorrow is another "on the edge" day. 

Monday, May 04, 2020

Words for my daughter

Happy Sweet 16, my love! I can’t believe you are 16. I want to stop the time, to keep you little, but then I would miss all the beauty you bring to the new days. So, I won’t. I will just say this...
You are my world
The life itself.
You hold love in your hands and
it becomes the air I breathe.
You grow and with you my heart rejoices.
You are my friend, my angel, my gift.
You are 16 today.
I wish for you to be true to yourself,
Fair and just.
I wish for you to always learn,
To challenge yourself,
To search.
I wish for you love,
Strength and generosity.
I wish for you to know my love.

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Ready, Set, Go!

I want an award, a ribbon, a medal

Or maybe a statue, a fountain, a bench

What for? No reason, really. Although… 

My walls are blank and I am afraid of the white space. There, I said it.

So, give me something to put on my wall, or else, I will have to paint something

And what I am really afraid of is the colors

It’s better if I just get a medal. Then, we can keep talking about accomplishments not about fear

So, I will train to run a 5k

Then, I will get a medal.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


The perfect cure for sadness, said someone.
Red is the word, the emotion, the light, flowing from yellow to blue;
I feel it touching my back...
I feel it in my hair...
I feel it with my thoughts...
because it's not black or orange.

If red is not orange, but white is also not black,
is red also white?

I say it is the perfect cure for colorless emotions,
for words floating without purpose.
Red captures the letters,
the words,
the phrases,
and makes them feelings.
Not black.

The roar of the lions in the hot desert of the world,
the beauty of the deepest ocean on a winter,
white day.
Not blue.

The overwhelming desire of strong arms around my soul,
the permanence of rocks,
and the softness of skin.
Not white.

Friday, February 23, 2018


Fields of wheat. I miss them.
Fields of sunflowers. I miss those too.

Yesterday, I made a checklist of my soul. Today I have to update it.
Which one should I publish? You know, as a private victory of my constant personal inquiry...

We measure. We strive. We improve.
We change.
And then, we do it all over again.

When should I schedule my living?
I'll put it on the list.


Is it a hole I see inside my heart?
Looking in, it seems deep and cold... but the hole has a beat.
Is it my heart that beats?

The rain will wash the blood off the pavement.
Till next time... Next time it rains or next time there's a hole in a heart?
Someone's else's heart. Mine beats.

These are children, butterflies and flowers.
The blood streaks them all, they are looking for the holes...
In the hearts, in the sky, in the leaves.

Not enough people... not enough guns... not enough God...
Not enough rain.
But enough holes?

Wednesday, March 08, 2017


Such a full word, such a joy to be.
Is it me? Or you? How about you?
A collection of souls,
The sound of heartbeats
is deafening, but beautiful.

I hear her whisper further and further.
Through the years, my eyes are filled with those
blue tears
The soft touch of her hand flows through me
like the memory of beloved shadows.

Embrace her.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The butterfly

Once upon a time there was a leaf.
Blown in the wind, barely attached to this thin, almost powerless branch.
The leaf looked around and thought...
There's a world out there, full of passion and light
Why am I here?
Why do I stay?
What if this thin, almost powerless branch brakes?
I think I may let go...

Once upon a time there was a branch.
Blown in the wind, barely attached to this thick, almost beautiful trunk of a tree.
The branch looked around and thought...
Look at all of these big branches around me...
So strong, so fearless, so bold.
How I wish I was the branch at the top of the tree,
How I want to bathe in the sunlight, feel the leaves I hold breathe.
I think I may grow...

Once upon a time there was a tree.
Blown in the wind, deeply rooted in this earth, tall and strong on the top of a mountain.
The tree looked around and thought...
So much sky around me, so many branches and leaves, all holding on to me.
How I wish I was a butterfly...
Free, light, beautiful and unattached.
What if I just give up? For years I have been waiting to be free,
for years I have wanted to fly, for years...

Once upon a time there was a butterfly.
Floating in the wind, alone, but beautiful.
The butterfly rested on this leaf barely attached to this thin, almost powerless branch,
attached to this thick trunk of this tall and strong tree.
The butterfly looked around and thought...
Finally, I am home.

The tree breathed in all the power of the earth
The branch trembled and reached out to the sky
The leaf softened and drank from the roots of the sea
The butterfly rested.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Coming Back

I have tried writting differently. I have tried being more midstream. I am back. Back to my blog about me the way I am. No expectations. No planning. just words. Colors and shapes. And feelings. Thank you for waiting.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Tata Nitu

Today I remember my grandfather. Not that I don't think about him often, but today it's his name's day. We celebrate St. Nickolas day today and today used to be his day. My grandfather was strong and kind, loving and straight forward. He was handsome and perfect in my eyes. I lived with my grandparents till I was about five. I wish i could remember every day from that time. I have images, I have stories, I have smells, but I wish for more. I wish for those years to have not have ended. I wish for my grandfather to have known my daughter. She carries his name. And I know he watches over her. And me. Mi-e dor de tine, tata Nitu.